Joint Statement with the Way Home Campaign

June 8, 2021
Team Housing Justice

Sunrise DC today joins the The Way Home campaign, allying with over 100 other organizations in committing to ending chronic homelessness in the District.

Sunrise DC recognizes the deep intersections among environmental, racial, and housing justice. As young residents of the DC area, we remain committed to the vision of a sustainable, affordable, and equitable city where every resident can thrive, not struggle to just survive.

Climate change will continue to drive housing instability and homelessness across the globe and at home, and extreme weather and its consequences particularly endanger unhoused neighbors and communities. The disparate impacts of COVID-19 on people experiencing homelessness, which compound long-standing systemic racism and inequities, further necessitate our collective commitment to structural, transformative, and morally urgent change. Experiences of homelessness represent structural failures of society and the state to provide for the needs of each resident.

Roughly 2,671 individuals experience chronic homelessness in D.C. on any given night – 2,671 people who have experienced homelessness for at least a year, or repeatedly, while struggling with a disabling condition such as a serious mental illness, substance use disorder, or physical disability. These individuals, as well as 432 families, represent some of the District’s most vulnerable residents. Sunrise DC supports The Way Home’s call for Permanent Supportive Housing to end chronic homelessness.

Sunrise DC further supports the The Way Home in believing that:

And Sunrise DC commits to working with The Way Home partners and other community organizations across the District to prevent and end homelessness for all populations. We know that housing ends homelessness – it’s up to all of us to demand change.

Take action to end chronic homelessness: